Arena Exozone

  • Product Image #0
  • Product Image #1
  • Product Image #2
  • Windows Version: Windows 10 + 11

  • CPU: Intel + AMD


  • Bone Selection (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs)

  • Target Priority (Closest Fov, Closest Distance)

  • Override Bones On Key (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs)

  • Fov Circle

  • Target Tracer

  • Enable On Key

  • Auto Wall (Penetration Chance 0-100%, Autowall Distance (0-180m))

  • 360 Yaw (Shoot in any direction)

  • Silentaim

  • Persistent Lock (Lock target inside of FOV until killed)

  • Auto Shoot (Shot Delay (0-2 seconds))

  • Fov Controller (1-720)

  • Distance Controller (0-500m)

  • Nospread

  • Quick Reload

  • Instant Aim

  • Quick Weapon Swap

  • Shoot While Running

  • Lean Manipulation (Lean Modifier 0-100%)


  • Bone Selection (Head, Neck, Upper Chest, Lower Chest, Arms and Legs)

  • Fov Circle

  • Target Tracer

  • Enable On Key

  • Visibility Check

  • Randomize Bone

  • Randomize Hitspot (Stop you from shotting the exact bone position on target everytime you lock on target)

  • Dynamic Hitspot (The same as Randomize Hitspot except instead of each time you lock on, it will happen after a certain amount of time)

  • Auto Shoot (Shot Delay (0-2 seconds))

  • Recoil Control (0-100%)

  • Sway Control (0-100%)

  • Smoothing (0-100%)

  • Fov Controller (1-720)

  • Distance Controller (0-500m)


  • Player Box (2D Box, 3D Box, 2D Corner Box)

  • Player Name

  • Player Weapon

  • Player Distance

  • Player Skeleton

  • Player Flags

  • Player Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid)

  • Player XQZ Chams (Allows you to see chams through walls and set individual colours for both a player behind a wall and visible)

  • Player Damage Indicator

  • Player Hitsound

  • Player Healthbar

  • Player Ammobar

  • Player Max Distance (This is how far the ESP will be rendered (0-1200m))

  • Battle Mode (Only show Player ESP)

  • 3D Crosshair

  • 3D Penetration Crosshair

  • Disable Crosshair while aiming

  • Show Ammo count

  • Thirdperson

  • Localplayer Indicators (Battle Mode, Thirdperson, Quickzoom and Freecam)

  • Localplayer Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid)

  • Sun Ambient Changer

  • Item Box (2D Box, 3D Box, 2D Corner Box)

  • Item Name

  • Item Distance

  • Item Max View Distance (0-650m)

  • Corpse Name

  • Corpse Distance

  • Corpse Skeleton

  • Corpse Chams (Fresnel, Fresnel Pulse, Wireframe and Solid)

  • Corpse XQZ Chams (Allows you to see chams through walls and set individual colours for both a player behind a wall and visible)

  • Corpse Max View Distance (0-650m)

  • Loot Content Viewer (Allows you to see what's inside of Corpses)

  • Content Viewer Fov (Any Corpses inside the fov range will show the contents of it (20-720))

  • Content Viewer Distance (At what range does it stop showing you the contents (0-650m)


  • Autorun

  • Novisor

  • Bunnyhop

  • Autostrafe

  • Quickzoom

  • Freecam

  • Fov Changer

  • Aspect Ratio Changer

  • Heatvision

  • Infinite Stamina

  • No Container Open Delay

  • Disable Inertia

  • Fast Magazine Drills

  • Sonic Mode

  • Config System

  • Menu Scale Changer

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Order Overview

    • 1x
      Arena Exozone
  • Subtotal
  • Total
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